Top 10 Video Conferencing Facts You Need to Know

Video is a powerful tool for communication. It adds another layer of context into conversations, and helps to strengthen the bonds between staff, clients, and external contacts.

According to Lifesize, 89% of people say that video conferencing helps them to feel connected to the people they care about. 98% of respondents also say that video strengthens relationships both outside and inside the company. Here are some other facts about video conferencing that you need to know:

  • Video conferencing strengthens human connections: 87% of remote team members say that they feel more connected to their colleagues with video conferencing. As more employees move into the remote landscape, video can help to improve company culture. Source: Gigaom.
  • Video enables remote work: Video is a crucial tool in the remote working landscape. This is crucial when 36% of employees say that they would choose remote working opportunities over a pay-rise. On top of that, 37% of tech professionals say that they would take a pay cut if they could work from home too. Source: Global Workplace analytics.
  • Telecommunications is growing: According to Lifesize, the number of employees telecommuting for work has increased by 115% in the last decade. Source: Lifesize.
  • COVID increased the need for video: TrustRadius notes that the web and video conferencing category for business technology saw a 500% increase in buyer activity since the Covid-19 outbreak began. 67% of companies increased their spending strategy for video conferencing too. Source: TrustRadius.
  • Video makes it easier to share ideas: According to Lifesize, around 90% of respondents believe that video makes it easier for them to get their point across. Another 89% of respondents say that video conferencing reduces the time required to complete projects or tasks too. Source: Lifesize.
  • Inadequate conferencing is an expensive problem: Loopup found that poor work conferencing practices can lead to around $34 billion in annual losses, caused by things like lost productivity and time. Source: Loopup.
  • Video conferencing will be a $13.8 billion market: The already growing video conferencing market is set to reach a value of around $13.82 billion by 2023. Source: Global Video conferencing market analysis.
  • Video conferencing improves productivity: BlueJeans studies show that 94% of businesses believe access to video conferencing improves their productivity. Source: BlueJeans.
  • 2020 was a massive year for video: The web and video conferencing software category saw incredible growth since the beginning of the year. Small and large companies alike invested extra money into video. For products like Zoom, this lead to an increase in daily active users of 2,900% in the span of 4 months. Source: Bloomberg.
  • Smaller companies are growing too: Customers are even starting to show more interest in smaller players for video conferencing, like Intermedia AnyMeeting and Click Meeting. Interest in these tools grew by over 400% as a response to the pandemic. Source: Trust Radius.

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